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Policemen stop two vehicles with ''electoral'' goods in north Moldova district. Electoral body is to take attitude

21:18 | 23.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - Policemen have discovered goods with electoral hue in two vehicles moving nearby the Grigorauca settlement, northern Sangerei district. The two drivers did not show the documents needed for the carrying of the goods. One of the drivers said that they were moving to a burial.    

„Following verifications, in the transport units, the law-enforcers detected 1,446 cups, 1,200 pens, 12 packages of balloons, 480 note books. 1,195 cotton bags – all enumerated things having the inscription of the ‘’Victory political bloc,’’ a communique by the Police reads.      

The police inform also that they discovered 1,200 supports for balloons, 183 photos with the picture of a political personage, accompanied by the inscription „у нас все получится!” (We will succeed in everything!), 2 facsimiles with unidentified signatures and one package of legal documents of the Chance political party and Victory political bloc.   

A contravention procedure was opened in this case, which will be subsequently connected to a criminal file opened for illegal financing of political parties and money laundering.    

The police will notify the Central Electoral Commission about this case.



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