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Giant Grape of 4 kg tendered for 430 lei at Festival in south Moldova town

10:33 | 26.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 26 August /MOLDPRES/ - A particularly expected moment at the Grapes Festival, held in the southern Cimislia town on 25 August, was the presentation of the Giant Grape, which was tendered against a sum of 430 lei. This impressive grape, cultivated with much passion and attention, symbolized the vine-growing excellence and proved the potential of Moldova in the production of quality grapes.   

Cultivated by the local producer Terra-Vites Ltd company, the giant grape weighted 3.875 kg and was one of the most admired exhibits of the festival. This grape, recognized for its impressive dimension, became the symbol of the festival and an example of the potential of vine-growing sector from Moldova’s region.     

„The tender, held in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and friendly competition, attracted numerous participants willing to purchase this rarity. This tender did not only highlight the exceptional quality of our products, but also showed the solidarity and support enjoyed by the local producers,’’ the Cimislia district council said.  

The Cimislia town on 25 August was host of the ninth edition of the Grapes Festival – an event of tradition which brings together the most gifted vine-growers from all over Moldova.





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