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Two Moldovan-Ukrainian border crossing points cease work

11:17 | 26.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 26 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Customs Service and the Border Police have informed about the interruption of the working schedule of the border crossing points (PTF) Otaci and Unguri starting from 09:20.   

According to the quoted source, the Ukrainian authorities do not allow the crossing of the state border, given the risks of air attack on behalf of Russia against Ukraine.  

The competent institutions recommend that drivers choose, in advance, other border checkpoints in the neighbourhood, or, as far as possible, postpone the trips to Ukraine.

Today morning, Russia launched a massive air attack on Ukraine. At least seven explosions were heard in Kiev, where the supply with electric energy and water was hit. Also, air attacks were signaled by local decision-makers in more regions of Ukraine, which resulted in three people dead. The authorities of the neighbour country inform that Ukraine had been hit by over 100 drones and 40 missiles.  



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