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Moldova's veterinary physicians beneficiaries of programme of facilities provided by state receive first installment of money

14:15 | 26.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 26 August /MOLDPRES/ - The first meeting of the leadership of the National Food Safety Agency (ANSA) with the first veterinary physicians, young graduates of the specialized faculties – beneficiaries of the programme of facilities approved under Government Decision, took place ANSA’s headquarters today.  Thus, 13 beneficiaries who submitted their files in the first quarter of this year have already received the first installment of money – over 68,000 lei.  

Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea and the ANSA leadership congratulated the young specialists on their employment.  

The regulation on the providing of facilities to young graduates of higher education institutions in the veterinary medicine sector sees that the veterinary physicians who graduated from the veterinary medicine faculty, either of Moldova, or from abroad, who will work in the field, can receive one-off allowance worth 15 average salaries on the economy, which will be paid in three equal installments (after the expiration of the first month and afterwards upon the expiration of each year of work). Among the benefits, there is also a compensation for the expenses of renting a dwelling or a free of charge dwelling; a monthly compensation of the cost of 30 kW/hour of electric energy and an annual compensation of the cost of one cubic metre of wood or one ton of coal, including in the case of heating with gas.

The veterinary physicians graduates are able to get employed at enterprises, peasant farms, farms for breeding animals, state’s institutions (ANSA, Republican Veterinary Diagnose Centre), veterinary clinics and pharmacies, which need the direct presence of a veterinary physician. At the same time, they are able to profess in one of the organizational and legal forms of the entrepreneurial activity, such as: veterinary clinics and pharmacies, providing of services for animal breeders, etc.    

The beneficiaries can be graduates of higher education institutions who, in the next two years, get employed or exercise the profession of veterinary physician independently in cities, towns and villages, except for the Chisinau and Balti cities.  

The National Food Safety Agency gave assurances to farmers and entrepreneurs with fields of work involving the presence of veterinary physician that it was ready to provide every information and professional support for the growing of young specialists who want to profess in the areas where there is an acute lack of veterinary physicians.   



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