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About 40,000 bring together on Great National Assembly Square of Chisinau on Moldova's Independence Day

10:05 | 28.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - About 40,000 people have participated in the events dedicated to the Independence Day on the Great National Assembly Square (PMAN). The top leadership came up with messages of thanks for the organizers and citizens.  

Today morning, President Maia Sandu posted a message, thereby thanking the citizens. ‘’Wonderful people of Moldova, thank you for having celebrated together the 33 years of the country’s Independence,’’ Maia Sandu said.    

Prime Minister Dorin Recean also conveyed a message. ‘’On the Independence Day of Moldova, about 40,000 assembled on the Great National Assembly Square, in order to mark together the peace and unity,’’ Recean stressed.   

On 27 August, more events dedicated to the Independence Day took place in Chisinau. The leaders of the Baltic Countries signed a joint declaration, thereby stating their support for Moldova’s accession to the European Union. Messages of support, as well as congratulatory ones came also on behalf of more European leaders and the NATO’s leadership.  

President Maia Sandu congratulated the Moldovan citizens, urging them to trust Moldova. In a video clip at the concert on PMAN, Maia Sandu told the Moldovans to speak nicely about their country, wherever they are.    

The holiday culminated with a concert on the Great National Assembly Square, with the participation of the National Youth Orchestra of Moldova and more light music singers.  

According to the police, the events dedicated to the Independence Day were held without incidents.   

The festive schedule dedicated to the Independence Day will continue today evening too. Singer Delia from Romania, the bands Alternosfera and Okean Elzy from Ukraine will sing on PMAN.















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