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Military to benefit from more social rights in Moldova

15:29 | 28.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - The period of stay on childcare leave will be included in the calendar length of the military service. The cabinet approved a decision to this end today.  

The draft law sees also other amendments, aimed at improving the situation in terms of social protection, enhancing the attractiveness of the military service, removing of social inequities and prevention of the massive flow of leavings of qualified specialists from the National Army.  

„The social protection of the servicemen and their family members is a priority of the Defence Ministry. The goal of the changes proposed is to adjust the present normative framework and to remove the social inequities through the following amendments: inclusion of the childcare leave, taking in placement or in the service of guardianship, inclusion of the childcare leave in the military’s calendar length of service, ensuring the right to travel for free in the job interest in the local public and municipal transport. In the context, decision-makers propose to ensure the rights of the contract military to participate in projects on development financed from foreign sources at military structures,’’ Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii said.      

Under the draft, the National Army’s servicemen who adopted children or took them in placement in the service of guardianship/trusteeship will benefit from leave.  

At the same time, the military, no matter the status, will be able to travel for free in job interest in the local-municipal public transport (except for taxis).

Another amendment sees the servicemen’s right to be remunerated in the case of participation in the carrying out development projects financed from foreign sources.  

The implementation of the project will need some financial expenses with the entrance into force of the new provisions as of 1 January 2025. The resources necessary will be provided from the social insurances budget.



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