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Energocom company of Moldova presents calculations on needs of electric energy for next September

19:02 | 29.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Energocom Company today presented calculations on the needs of electric energy for next September. Thus, in September, the company is scheduled to purchase about 352,000 MWh for the consumption on the right bank of Dniester, of which about 306,000 MWh (or 88 per cent) from the Moldovan power station from the Transnistrian region.

Under the legislation, about 21,503 MWh (or 6 per cent) will be generated by producers of renewable energy, with which Energocom has signed contracts on acquisition.  

As much as 18,700 MW (more than 5 per cent) will be bought from the Romanian exchange OPCOM, especially in the peak hours.

According to Energocom, the heating power stations from Chisinau and Balti are to generate less than 4,000 MWh (or 1 per cent).

In August, according to forecasts unveiled by Energocom, the needed amount of electric energy on the right bank of the Dniester river was estimated at 343, 271 MWh.

In October 2023, the Energocom stock company extended the contract on the procurement of electric energy with the Moldovan power plant from the Transnistrian region till late 2024, the cost of the energy standing at 66 dollars/MWh.  




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