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Moldovan parliament speaker congratulates Ungheni city's residents on Dedication Day

12:36 | 29.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu on 28 August evening participated in the Dedication Day of the Ungheni city, the parliament’s communication and public relations has reported.

The speaker congratulated the local residents, wishing them to continue the nice things in a modern city, with good conditions for living and developed infrastructure.    

At the same time, the parliament speaker emphasized how much the settlement had changed in the last years. He noted that Ungheni was a model city, which develops, flourishes and manages to attract European investments and become a modern city. ‘’The Ungheni residents are nice, hard-working people, with clear visions, who edify a prosperous and European future. I am fully confident that Ungheni, along with most settlements of the country, will open Moldova’s gate to Europe,’’ Speaker Igor Grosu said.   

The Ungheni city turned 562 year since foundation and is one of the oldest settlements of Moldova. Presently, the city has a population of about 39,000 residents.




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