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Young people of programme of paid probations in public service visit Moldova's Presidency

17:36 | 29.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - The probationers of the programme of paid probations in public service today were able to discuss with civil servants of the Moldovan President’s Apparatus and the advisers of the head of state about the work of the presidential institution.   

The head of the Legal Department of the President’s Apparatus, Gheorghe Gutu, informed the probationers about the mission of the public administration, the organization and work of the Moldovan President’s Apparatus, as well as the powers of Moldova’s president.    

Also, the young people met the Moldovan president’s adviser in the defence and national security sector, Stanislav Secrieru, who informed the young people about the role and duties of a presidential adviser.

In all, 46 young people participate in the programmes of probations implemented by the government, by working at the President’s Apparatus, Parliament’s Secretariat, State Chancellery, ministries and other public authorities. The programmes of paid probations in public institutions give the young people chance to actively get involved in the public life, to gain experience and contribute to the development of the public administration from Moldova.   






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