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Moldovan president says there is no danger for any of Metropolitan Sees

14:12 | 30.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 30 August /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu reacts to statements by an MP of the faction of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), Vasile Soimaru. At a TV programme, the lawmaker said that the Metropolitan See of Moldova would be banned in Moldova. ‘’There is no danger for any of the Metropolitan Sees,’’ Maia Sandu said, who returned from isolation, after she had been tested positive for COVID-19.    

The Moldovan president stressed that the authorities had good relations both with the Metropolitan See of Moldova and the Metropolitan See of Bessarabia and that the MP’s statements had nothing in common with the reality.  

„There is no danger for any of the Metropolitan Sees, neither for the Metropolitan See of Moldova nor for the Metropolitan See of Bessarabia. On the contrary, during these four years, we have done more than anyone for promoting the peace and good understanding between these Metropolitan Sees. We have good relations both with the one and another. Each time when I meet the Metropolitan See of Moldova and when I meet the Metropolitan See of Bessarabia, I convey them this message that we need unity and peace for the sake of the citizens from Moldova. I thank them for their contribution to the development of our society and to the preservation of this peace. The lawmaker’s statements have nothing in common with the reality. We have promoted and will promote, in continuation, the peace and the Christian morals,’’ President Maia Sandu said.     

A member of the PAS parliamentary faction, MP Vasile Soimaru has recently said at a TV station that Moldova would ban the Metropolitan See of Moldova,  canonically subordinated to Moscow, according to Ukraine’s example.

The PAS faction also rejects the statements of lawmaker Vasile Soimaru, noting that it dissociates itself from them and that there is no legislative initiative to ban the Metropolitan See of Moldova.    



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