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Moldovan foreign affairs minister to participate in 19th edition of Bled Strategic Forum

10:27 | 02.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 2 September /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi on 2-3 September will participate in the 19th edition of the Bled Strategic Forum, held in Slovenia.  

The visit is paid at an invitation by Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and European Affairs Minister of Slovenia Tanya Fajon.    

At the meeting, the Moldovan diplomacy head will take part, as speaker, in a panel session titled, Europe Whole and Free: Enlargement as a Strategic Reconciliation Project. At the same time, the official will have bilateral meetings with the counterparts present at the Forum.   

The Bled Strategic Forum annually brings together heads of state and government, ministers and experts, in order to exchange opinions on the approaching of challenges regionally and globally.  



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