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Chisinau hosts eighth meeting of Moldovan-Swiss Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation

14:17 | 02.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 2 September /MOLDPRES/ - The eighth meeting of the Moldovan-Swiss Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation took place in Chisinau today, hosted by the Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry (MDED).  ‘’The presence of the Swiss delegation in Chisinau emphasizes the importance of our bilateral relations and the wish to continue the present partnership between Moldova and the Swiss Confederation.’’ Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba said at the end of the meeting.    

Deputy PM Dumitru Alaiba welcomed the delegation from Switzerland, led by Helene Budliger Artied, state secretary and director of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of the Swiss Federal Government. ‘’This meeting opens new opportunities for Moldovan exports to Switzerland, representing a significant step for Moldova as regards the extension of the export markets and consolidation of the commercial relations,’’ Alaiba said.     

In another context, the deputy PM referred to the free trade agreement with Iceland, Principality of Liechtenstein, Norway and the Swiss Confederation (EFTA). The document’s goal is to consolidate the economic cooperation between the states and extend the commercial relations. ‘’The agreement will provide opportune conditions for the export of Moldovan products and the companies from the EFTA countries will be encouraged to invest in Moldova. Under the document, the customs duties will be removed on the import of the industrial products and concessions will be provided for the access of agricultural products to market. The agreement also includes chapters which regulate the trade with services, electronic commerce, public procurements, etc.,’’ Dumitru Alaiba noted.          

For her part, Helene Budliger Artied said that she was in Moldova for the first time ever and was pleased to discover a small, hospitable country and with a great future.  

„At the meeting, we had fruitful sessions; we discussed the evolution of the economic situation and of the bilateral cooperation between Moldova and Switzerland, with emphasis on the increase in the bilateral investment flow. We have what to explore, especially on the segment of the electronic trade; we have room for cooperation with profit and value added. We will continue to support all projects launched in Moldova; we assure you on every support on the European way which you have chosen and we are ready to help you at any time, just tell us how to do this,’’ the Swiss official noted.        

The ninth meeting of the Moldovan-Swiss Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation will take place in Switzerland in 2025.

Among the top Moldovan goods exported to Switzerland in 2023, there are soya beans (6.16 million lei), panels for electricity distribution (5.6 million), cakes and solid residua from the extraction of oils or vegetable oils (3.8 million), orthopedic articles and apparatus (3.8 million), watches (1.6 million), water heaters (713,000), gold (682,000 lei), wardrobes, fruits with peels, sunflower seeds, hand watches, water heaters, tows and semi-tows.           

At the same time, the top goods imported by Moldova in 2023 includes medicines, paintings, panels, wardrobes, apparatus for the connection of electric circuits, watches, extract of malt, food preparations from flour, cereal, semolina, insulating parts, orthopedics articles and apparatus, touring cars and vehicles.    





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