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First class with teaching in Romanian language opened at Mihail Ceachir Theoretical Lyceum in Ceadar-Lunga city of Moldova

16:40 | 02.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 2 September /MOLDPRES/ - The first class of the fifth form with teaching in the Romanian language has been opened at the Mihail Ceachir Theoretical Lyceum from the south Moldova Ceadar-Lunga city. ‘’They chose to study in the Romanian language, in order to have access to a superior education,’’ Ambassador of Romania to Moldova Cristian-Leon Turcanu said. He attended the holiday occasioned by the starting of the school year at this institution.       

The Romanian ambassador stressed the importance of the knowledge of the Romanian language, the access to correct information in a period marked by propaganda and misinformation. ‘’The parents from here want a better, safer and more prosperous future for their children and understood that the Romanian language can give them this chance. They chose to study in the Romanian language, in order to have access to a superior quality education, as well as to a more bidding labour market. The knowledge of the Romanian language gives free access to correct informing, to objective and correct mass media, essential things, especially on this period, deeply marked by fake new, misinformation and propaganda, part of the hybrid war waged by Russia on this bank of the Prut river,’’ the Romanian diplomat said.      

At the same time, the Romanian ambassador highlighted that the residents of the Gagauz autonomy also deserved a future in peace, security and well-being, part of the European family.  

Contacted by MOLDPRES, the headmaster of the Mihail Ceachir Theoretical Lyceum, Valentina Cebotari, said this class with teaching in the Romanian language had been opened at a request of the parents. ‘’The initiative was widely backed in the society – the Education and Research Ministry, the local authorities and certainly, the Embassy of Romania supported us; we had His Excellency Mr. Christian -Leon Turcanu as guest at our holiday,’’ the institution’s manager said.   

The headmaster of the institution gave assurances that those 22 pupils of the fifth form, with teaching in the Romanian language, would be involved in a qualitative educational process and the entire staff of teachers is prepared for teaching in the Romanian language. Cebotari specified that most pupils of this class were from Gagauz families and are Russian-speaking.      

The Ceadar-Lunga city of UTA Gagauzia has a population of about 20,000 residents, most belonging to the Gagauz ethnic group.





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