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New heads appointed in structures of Moldova's General Police Inspectorate

14:38 | 02.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 2 September /MOLDPRES/ - Chief commissioner Victor Manole has been appointed as head of the National Public Security Inspectorate of the General Police Inspectorate (IGP). He has a rich experience in the field of public order and security.

At the same time, PhD in law Gabriela Cristea was appointed at the IGP’s department for international police cooperation. So far, she had held the position of head of the Interior Ministry’s department for international cooperation and European integration.    

IGP head Viorel Cernauteanu stressed that he relied on the professionalism, correctness and integrity of the people appointed to office. He urged them ‘’to efficiently consolidate the labour staff, as the two structures are of huge importance at the General Police Inspectorate.’’   



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