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Moldovan citizens cans ask Call Centre for information on presidential elections, republican constitutional referendum

14:10 | 03.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - Citizens can ask the Call Centre for information on the organization of the elections for the office of Moldova’s president and the republican constitutional referendum due on 20 October 2024. The Centre will work on the period 3 September – 22 October and if runoff election is held, - till 5 November.     

According to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), the Call Centre’s contact phone number is (+373) 22 880101. Also, on the period of work, operators will provide the assistance necessary to the people in charge of the management of the electoral lists from the local public authorities, as well as to the members of the inferior electoral bodies for the uniform enforcement of the procedures of management and updating of the State Register of Voters.    

Also, the voters will be able to learn data on the procedure of voting, the acts on the basis of which they can vote, the belonging to the polling stations, where and how can they declare the place of residence, how can they get the certificate of right to vote, etc.    

CEC noted that appeals can be submitted through the Call Centre. The information line will work starting from Monday till Friday during 08:00-17:00 and the working schedule will be extended to 24 hours on the period 19-21 October and on 2-4 November 2024 (in the case of the runoff election).    

The Call Centre can be called at ordinary tariff from the fixe or mobile phone from any settlement of Moldova.  

The elections for the office of Moldova’s president will be held on 20 October 2024. The republican constitutional referendum will be organized on the same day. The citizens will have to answer the question: ‘’Do you support the amendment of the Constitution for Moldova’s accession to the European Union?’’   



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