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Moldovan PM visits sports school specialized in box from northern Briceni district

17:21 | 03.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today went to the specialized sports school of box from the Grimancauti village, northern Briceni district, developed by a merited coach Petru Caduc. Presently, over 130 children and sportspeople train here, as well as at the school’s branches from Briceni, Lipcani, Beleavinti, Colicauti, Sirauti, the government’s communication department has reported.      

The prime minister discussed with entrepreneurs and their disciples the work of the school, the success and needs of the pupils. The PM also visited the building of the future hostel of the school’s boxers, repaired and endowed with governmental funds. The building is to be made available for use and will host, as boarding school, at least 30 sportspeople.     

The specialized sports school of box from Grimancauti was founded in 2003. The school’s disciples have over 120 titles of Moldova’s champions at all age categories and 150 distinctions at national championships.   

Pugilists from Grimancauti won numerous medals at European, world championships, as well at Olympic Games. Under the leadership of merited coach Petru Caduc, disciples Vitalie Grusac and Veaceslav Gojan got two Olympic medals, the only ones won by Moldova in box since the proclamation of the independence.    







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