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MOLDPRES RUNNING COMMENTARY: Exhibition by MOLDPRES photo-reporter inaugurated at Moldova's National Art Museum

18:59 | 03.09.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - “Calea către noi înşine” (The way towards ourselves) is the title of an exhibition of photos made by master, photo-reporter of the MOLDPRES State News Agency, Andrei Mardari.  

The exhibition today was inaugurated at the National Art Museum of Moldova. At the event, a recently appeared album by Andrei Mardari, “Trepte în zbucium” (Stages in Struggle), was launched. The book was presented at the 17th edition of the Bookfest Book Fair from Bucharest. Mardari described the album as ‘’a professional crown of the entire activity, starting from 1990s’’.     

“I have known Andrei Mardari for many years. He has had the passion for the picture since childhood. Andrei manages to make cinematography in a picture. He shows stories through pictures. He looked for dramatic situations, being an incurable artist through everything he is doing and we love him for this,’’ Culture Minister Sergiu Prodan said at the event.    

More guests, creation people, writers, representatives of cultural institutions appreciated the pictures which get life, convey expressive messages, emotions, creativeness and capacity of the photographer to be in the essence of the things. ‘’Andrei Mardari is a phenomenon, who managed to preserve his unique look. The love for our people and country is present in each picture,’’ the director of the Romanian Cultural Institute from Chisinau, Monica Babuc, said.    

The name of master, photo-reporter of the MOLDPRES State News Agency Andrei Mardari is known not only in the world of journalists, but also by the public of Moldova and from abroad, being a reference in the photographic art. Our colleague is the one about which one can say for sure that he is educated in the spirit of the beauty and has a kind of sensitiveness; he can get a picture from many ones and transform it into an art work.  

„It is about a summing up of a work since the 1990s. All social life, from cities, from villages, from various events from after the 1990s are showed here. Also, family members, friends, colleagues, social portraits, faces which convey spiritual states,’’ Andrei Mardari said.    

According to Andrei, „a picture report or even a single photo is in essence only an interpretation. But it must be sincere. Without manipulation and deception of the onlooker. This is simply unacceptable.’’

Andrei Mardari was born on 8 September 1964. He started his career of photographer at the Photo-journalist Studio from the Press House in 1990. He had more cooperation, initially with the Moldova Suverană publication. Since 1997 till present, Andrei Mardari has been reporter at the MOLDPRES Agency. He was nominated Man of the Year; he was awarded specialty prizes in the field of photo-journalism and artistic photograph. Mardari is promoter of a cycle in the social media titled, Bessarabia in Pictures, etc.        

Correspondent: Lilia Grubii





















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