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Moldovan cabinet makes new staff reshufflings

10:46 | 04.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - The cabinet members, at a today’s meeting, accepted the appointment of Andrei Ciobanu to the office of deputy director of the Civil Aviation Authority.  

Also, the government approved a decision on the appointment of Ion Moraru to the position of head of the National Inspectorate for Technical Supervision at the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry.    

Also today, Diana Cosalic was appointed as deputy director at the Agency of Intervention and Payments in Agriculture.   

The ministers voted also for the appointment of Raisa Dogaru to the office of director of the National Employment Agency.   

The cabinet also appointed to office heads of structures at the Agriculture Ministry, Labour and Social Protection Ministry, Infrastructure and Regional Development Ministry.   



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