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Economy minister says Moldovan fruits exported all over Europe

16:25 | 05.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba today informed that the fruits of Moldova had reached the entire Europe. ‘’Our farmers do what the wine-makers proved back 15 years ago that it was possible. They conquer shelf after shelf, the European Union’s market; they find consumers who can appreciate the quality. And no politically reasoned embargo at the Kremlin will stop us,’’ the official said.    

The economy minister noted that, ten years ago, we had seen Moldovan fruits, the result of the work of thousands of people, destroyed by bulldozers somewhere nearby Moscow, at an instruction by a bureaucrat from Rosselkhoznadzor.    

„We have not seen such pictures for years. Although there are still many things to be solved, at present, our delicious fruits, full of sun, are ever more often found on supermarkets from Europe. We are in a process of transformation of this sector, of orientation to other markets. A process which just gathers momentum, as there is much place for our products on the European markets. During time, we have proved that we can overcome any obstacle and that we are capable to transform the challenges into opportunities,’’ the minister wrote.      

Alaiba noted that, at present, ‘’Moldova is more than just a country on map; it is a story of resilience and hope, a society which refuses to be defined by restrictions and difficulties.’’

„We are a nation which gets up at each hardship and claims its well-deserved place among the European nations. Each success of our products on the European market is a victory of our national spirit, of the joint effort and of our wish to edify a prosperous and respected country,’’ the official added.  

According to statistics, over 65 per cent of Moldova’s exports are exported to the European Union and over 81 per cent of the foreign investments come from EU.

Due to the measures of liberalization of the trade with EU, approved in 2022, the export of certain products reached really impressive levels. More exactly, starting from 2021 till 2023, the exports of grapes to EU increased from 15,800 tons to 32,300 tons; fresh apples – from 1,000 tons to 13,200 tons, plums – from 25,800 tons to 60,400 tons, sweet cherries – from 74 tons to 2,900 tons.   



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