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Governor of National Bank of Moldova participates in most important economic event in Central and Eastern Europe

19:14 | 05.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/ - Governor of the National Bank of Moldova (BNM) Anca Dragu participates in the 33rd edition of the Economic Forum titled, A Time for New Leaders: Shaping the Future Together., held in Karpacz, Poland.  

According to the BNM’s press service, the event brings together over 6,000 participants from all over the world, influential leaders in the decisions taken regionally and globally. The agenda includes 500 discussions, five plenary sessions, workshops, presentations and numerous discussions about the major challenges which model the present and future of the Central and Eastern Europe.   

The key subjects of the event include the impact of the war in Ukraine on the architecture of the global security, topics from the economy, finances, security, green energy, development of the artificial intelligence, etc.   

In her speech, BNM Governor Anca Dragu stressed the progress made by Moldova in the reformation of the financial system and establishment of friendly economic conditions for investors. ‘’Who does not invest in Moldova at present, will regret this in five-ten years,’’ Anca Dragu reiterated.   

„Moldova presently provides opportunities of investments, especially in such sectors as IT, agriculture and digitalization, having all attributes to become a ‘’wonder child of the region,’’ the BNM governor noted. Anca Dragu also emphasized the bank reforms aligned with the best European practices, noting that ‘’the measures adopted by BNM re-brought the inflation to the target corridor, thus protecting the economy and the citizens.’’    

The BNM governor stressed that, at present, Moldova made decisive steps on the European integration path. ‘’ Through the presence at this international event, the National Bank of Moldova reaffirms its commitment to actively contribute to the regional dialogue and the global one on the financial stability and sustainable economic development,’’ the BNM governor also said.  

In the last three decades, the Karpacz economic forum has become the biggest and the most important conference from the Central and Eastern Europe, bringing together influential leaders from economy, politics and social sectors from over 60 countries.  




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