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Emergency situation in agriculture might be declared in Moldova

17:29 | 05.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/ - Emergency state in agriculture might be declared in Moldova. The solution is still discussed and the details will be communicated soon, as it implies the cooperation of more institutions, including the Justice Ministry, National Bank and other creditors. The Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry has made statements to this effect.   

Deputy PM, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea said that the government made efforts to back the farmers who had suffered because of the natural calamities of the last summer, especially the drought and the extremely high air temperatures. In this respect, the cabinet has already allocated 100 million lei from the Intervention Fund for the partial compensation of the losses borne by the agricultural producers.

„Dear farmers, I want to assure you that the ministry and the government are fully informed about the extremely complicated situation of the farmers and will undertake all measures needed, in order to settle and overcome this impasse successfully,’’  the agriculture minister said.

He noted that this week he had had a meeting with his Romanian counterpart Florin Barbu in Bucharest, in order to discuss and take over models of efficient measures due to be enforced in Romania, so as to implement similar solutions in Moldova.  

„On the last days, discussions have been held with Prime Minister Dorin Recean on additional measures to the 100 million lei, which is to be transferred to farmers’ accounts on the next days. One of the solutions analyzed is the adoption of a model of ordinance similar to the Romanian one, as regards the declaring of the emergency state in agriculture. Supplementary details will be communicated soon, as any decision of this kind implies the cooperation of more institutions, including the Justice Ministry, National Bank and other creditors,’’ the official added.     

The minister noted that he was aware of the challenges in the agricultural sector and he firmly acted to provide efficient solutions for the support of the farmers hit.

The farmers from the Cahul and Cantemir districts have recently informed that they would organize protests, as they are discontented with the measures taken for the compensation of the losses caused by the drought.  



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