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Moldova might receive more money on behalf of EU in 2025

15:53 | 06.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 6 September /MOLDPRES/ - The European Union’s budget for the next year might increase by 61million euros. These allocations are to reach the eastern neigbourhood, especially Moldova. The chief negotiator of the European Parliament for the future EU’s multiannual budget, Siegfried Muresan, has made statements to this effect.    

The European MP noted that he had already submitted an amendment to this end to the draft budget of the European Union.  

„Moldova is state candidate to the European Union and we must help it modernize and reform itself within the accession process. At the same time, Moldova faces constant security threats on behalf of Russia. Therefore, we must make sure that Moldova and the whole eastern neighbourhood benefits from proper support, in order to combat these threats and our safety, inside EU, depends on how safe the countries from our neighbourhood are,’’ Muresan said. 

The European Union’s budget for 2025 is to be negotiated by the European Parliament with the EU’s Council and the European Commission, with the goal to be adopted till the end of this year.  



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