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Moldovan electoral body starts procedure of verification, confirmation of applications on registration for vote by correspondence

20:04 | 06.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 6 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has started the procedure of verification and confirmation of the applications on registration for the vote by correspondence.

According to CEC, at this point, the identification of voters takes place, a procedure which is carried out through the verification of their identity by using automated verification means. The identity’s verification is made based on the comparing/fitting of the facial signs on the photo attached by the voter with the picture from the identity act from the photograph attached and with the most recent photograph of the voter from the state Register of the population.

In the process of verifying the identity, the electoral body can notify the voter to partially or fully update the data, in order to make the identification possible. The updating of the data can be made by 25 days before the day of elections at the latest. The voter will be informed about the result of the verification through message sent to the indicated email, with the explanation, as case may be, of the conditions which did not make the identification possible.  

The preliminary registration period ends today, including for the option of vote by correspondence. The vote by correspondence will be implemented for Moldova’s citizens living in the USA, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland at the elections for the office of Moldova’s president and the republican constitutional referendum, due on 20 October 2024.  





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