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Moldovan president, pupils from central Moldova commune discuss peace, civic activism

19:21 | 06.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 6 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today paid a working visit to the central Ialoveni district. The head of state met pupils of the Ion Pelivan Theoretical Lyceum from the Razeni commune, one of the 35 institutions from Moldova selected for investments through Model Schools programme, the presidential press service has reported.  

President Maia Sandu discussed with the pupils about peace – the subject with which they started the school year, as well as the civic activism about how important is their participation in the society’s life.     

Also today, the head of state discussed with the mayors and local authorities from the Ialoveni district about the projects on local development and about how the citizens’ living conditions can be improved.

„Projects worth 100 million lei were financed in the district through the European Village programme, which means water and sewerage networks, renovated kindergartens and schools, repaired community centres, enhancement of the access to medical services, sports fields, energy efficiency projects. For the next stage of the programme, 21 projects were approved worth 128 million lei. We can transform our settlements together,’’ President Maia Sandu stressed.   







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