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As many as 1,000 textbooks in Ukrainian brought from Kiev for Ukrainian children of Chisinau-based Taras Shevchenko Gymnasium

12:47 | 07.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 7 September /MOLDPRES/ - The pupils from the primary and high school of the Chisinau-based Taras Shevchenko Gymnasium have received 1,000 new textbooks in the Ukrainian language. The books were brought from Kiev, with the support of the National Congress of Ukrainians from Moldova (CNUM) and Moldova’s Education and Research Ministry (MEC).  

Attending the festive event on the delivery of the consignment of textbooks were Moldovan MPs, as well as Ukrainian lawmakers, members of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada (parliament), representatives of Ukraine’s Embassy in Moldova, of the National Congress of Ukrainians from Moldova, international organizations and the headmaster of the Taras Shevchenko Gymnasium.   

The official part of the event was opened by CNUM President Dmytro Lekartsev, who thanked the Education and Research Ministry of Moldova, MPs of Moldova and Ukraine who had joined this initiative. ‘’ We want the Taras Shevchenko Gymnasium to become an education and cultural centre which is to unite the citizens of Ukraine and Moldova,’’ Lekartsev said.    

Moldovan lawmaker Oazu Nantoi came up with a greeting message: ’’The Ukrainian children will feel in Moldova as at home! This event proves how we can help the preservation of the relation with the mother language.

The co-head of the Ukraine-Moldova parliament friendship group, Mihailo Radutsky, said that ‘’Moldova shows what a true neighbour means, which gave a helping hand from the first moments of the war.’’   

„Ukraine must not lose its citizens. The Ukrainian classes, teaches and the Ukrainian textbooks will contribute to this. The investments in children’s education are equivalent to the investments in the development of the state. The free knowledge of the mother language and the studying of the language and culture of the host country represent the key of the friendship relations between two neighbour countries,’’ Radutsky said.

Those 1,000 textbooks will be used by pupils of those four classes opened this year. The consignment of books is part of an educational project aimed at preserving the national identity of the citizens of Ukraine and facilitating their integration into a friendly Moldovan environment.

The implementation of the new programme on teaching the Ukrainian language imposed the need of new textbooks. The delivery of those 1,000 textbooks was provided by Ukrainian MPs, at a request by CNUM and MEC.  

This is the second consignment of books; the first one – of 900 books, was delivered one month ago.








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