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Moldovan government denies information on Moldovans' departures

21:46 | 07.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 7 September /MOLDPRES/ - The government denies information appeared in some media sources on Moldovans’ departures from the country. The spokesman for the government, Daniel Voda, specified that the Moldovans travelled more and returned home.    

According to Voda, a fake story circulates in certain sources about the departures of Moldova’s citizens. The figures about which they discuss refer to the temporary travels, not at all about the departures from the country.   

„On the same period – i.e. during 1 January - 5 September 2024, 310,265 Moldovan citizens left the country and 850,198 ones returned. Thus, the number of those who return is larger than the one of those who leave the country,’’ Daniel Voda said.    

The spokesman noted that Moldovans travel and this was due to the freedom of movement which we enjoy.

 „Either they go to study, to work, on holidays or visits the relatives, most of them return. Many of us have dual citizenship and the mobility is a right which we everybody enjoy. It is important that we analyze this data carefully, present the information correctly and not draw thoughtless conclusions only from one title,’’ Daniel Voda added.    



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