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Moldovan president attends second edition of Author Wine Festival

18:02 | 08.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 8 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has participated in the second edition of the Author Wine Festival, where over 30 small native producers were present.    

„This community of dedicated wine-makers put much spirit in each bottle of wine and show us how important is that we make things with passion, in order to achieve quality. We should support our producers, buy and promote the Moldovan producers everywhere in the world,’’ Maia Sandu said.   

In this week-end, more wines of personal trademark will be able to be discovered at the Author Wine Festival, held on the Square of the National History Museum of Moldova. The event is organized by the Association of Small Wine Producers of Moldova. 

The agenda comprised master-classes with famous sommeliers and tastings. Limited editions and wines which got prizes were displayed as well.    

The event is carried out with the support of the United States Agency of International Development (USAID) Moldova and the National Office of Vine and Wine.  

In 2023, the exports of wine produced in Moldova grew by 18 per cent and Europe stays the biggest market for Moldovan wines, with a 36-per cent value growth  registered.  

According to statistics, Moldova is among the first 20 countries producers of wines. The latter are imported by over 70 countries from different regions of the world.







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