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Sanitary, veterinary activity to be regulated under law in Moldova

12:10 | 10.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - The decree on the promulgation and the Law on animals’ health have been published in the Official Jurnal (Monitorul Oficial). The new law, adjusted to the EU’s standards, will enter into force on 8 May 2026.     

The document has the goal to ensure the high standards of animals’ health and the public health through the establishment of the norm of prevention and control of the transmissible diseases in animals and man, carrying out the safety of the food products, food for animals and the protection of the country’s territory from the infectious diseases through the organization of sanitary and veterinary activity.   

The document also sees the responsibility as regards the animals’ health, measures of diseases’ control, the requirements concerning the utilization of the veterinary use medicines, as well as norms of identification and registration of animals or other animal origin products, as well as the ones on the certification and following their transportation.   

The new la regulates also the procedure of issuance of the sanitary and veterinary authorization, which will be issued by the National Food Safety Agency.   



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