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Moldova is doing utmost to help Ukrainian people, including under Ukrainian peace formula - speaker says

10:40 | 12.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Sep 12 /MOLDPRES/- "Moldova is doing everything it can to help the Ukrainian people, including under the Ukrainian peace formula." Speaker Igor Grosu made the statement in Kiev during a meeting with Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk.

During the meeting, the two officials reviewed the latest developments in the region, in particular the consequences of the escalating Russian attacks.

"In the context, we emphasized that the Republic of Moldova is making all necessary efforts to help the Ukrainian people with all it can, including within the framework of the Ukrainian peace formula. We have about 60 thousand Ukrainians who are under temporary protection. We have also joined international efforts to free abducted Ukrainian children, including by adopting a declaration in the plenary of Parliament. We have also joined the Council of Europe's damage register to make sure that Russia will pay reparation, because what is happening in Ukraine is genocide. We will continue to stand by our Ukrainian neighbors and surely peace in Ukraine will be restored," Grosu said.

Grosu is currently in Kiev, where he attended the 4th Summit of the Crimean Platform. The event was hosted by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. 




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