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Moldovan parliament speaker says Cimislia district to benefit from another 14 projects worth 50 million lei for next stage of European Village 2 programme

19:29 | 16.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 16 September /MOLDPRES/ - The southern Cimislia district will benefit from 14 projects worth 50 million lei for the next stage of the European Village 2 programme. Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu has made statements to this effect during a working visit to the Cimislia district.     

The speaker said that, during a discussion with mayors and local authorities, the sides had tackled projects on local development, as well as the problems they face.  

„In the last two years alone, projects worth 40 million lei have been financed in the district through the European Village and Express European Village programmes, which supplied dozens of households with water and sewerage, kindergartens, schools and community centres were renovated, sports fields were constructed and other projects were carried out, which have the goal to improve the living conditions,’’ Grosu said.    

The speaker noted that the new stage of the European Village 2 programme would bring projects of 50 million lei in Cimislia. ’’Certainly, we need even more funds, in order to reach all settlements, but step by step and joint efforts, we will edify a European Moldova at home,’’ the parliament speaker added.     








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