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Denmark offers Moldova new financial support worth over €9 million

10:27 | 17.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Sep 17 /MOLDPRES/- Denmark is providing Moldova with new financial support worth 9.4 million euros to support several areas, including energy efficiency, combating disinformation, the security sector, the electoral field and gender equality. The support was announced today in the context of the fifth Ministerial Conference of Moldova Partnership Platform in Chisinau.

Denmark is represented at the event by Ole Thonke, Undersecretary for Development Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, who is visiting Moldova on September 16-17.

Out of the €9.4 million, €2.7 million is earmarked for energy efficiency, €2.7 million for combating disinformation, €2 million for security sector capacity building, €1.3 million for electoral issues and €700,000 for gender equality.

The new assistance underlines Denmark's long-standing support for democracy and stability in Moldova during the country's integration into the European Union, the Danish Embassy in Chisinau said in a press release.

Ole Thonke said he is "impressed by the progress made so far and the intense efforts on the part of Moldova to become a member state of the European Union". "Now more than ever it is important to strengthen resilience, security and stability in Moldova. Denmark's assistance will strengthen cooperation in priority areas in close cooperation with the Moldovan authorities and civil society organizations," the official said.

The assistance announced today complements existing support in our country. Danish programs active in Moldova have a total value of over €40 million.

The 5th Ministerial Conference of Moldova Partnership Platform is taking place today in Chisinau. 65 delegations led by ministers, deputy ministers and secretaries of state of partner countries, representatives of the diplomatic staff and international organizations are expected to attend the event.

It is an initiative of Romania, Germany and France, aimed at generating immediate political, financial and material assistance, as well as in-depth expertise for the democratic reform process from the institutions and member states of the European Union, the G7 countries, international financial institutions and international organizations, as well as other development partners. The purpose of organizing the Conferences is to mobilize, focus and coordinate political, technical and financial support from developed countries to the Republic of Moldova.


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