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Moldovan president: To speed up our progress, we need continued support of our partners

13:21 | 17.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 17 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- Moldova is hosting today the fifth edition of Moldova Partnership Platform, the presidential press service has reported.

President Maia Sandu emphasized, in front of the representatives of over 60 countries and international organizations gathered in Chisinau, that only together, with the support of our friends, we can build a better future for all citizens.

"The future of Moldova is not built overnight, but every step we take brings us closer to a stable, European country, where every citizen lives with dignity and safety. This is our way – a way of courage, hard work and strong partnerships. Moldova has demonstrated countless times that it can overcome any obstacle, but to accelerate our progress, we need the continuous support of our partners. Dozens of countries and organizations have mobilized to be with us, because together we are stronger", the head of state said.

The Republic of Moldova is more determined than ever to remain on the path of peace, stability and prosperity, Maia Sandu said. She thanked all those who are with Moldova and thanks to whom our country becomes stronger and more united.

The President's full message can be read here:





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