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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Modern station for treatment of residual waters built in central Moldova settlement

19:52 | 17.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 17 September /MOLDPRES/ - A modern station for the treatment of residual waters has been constructed in the Lozova commune, central Straseni district. Over 5,000 residents of the village, the community institutions and 35 economic local economic agents will benefit from the European Village national programme. The works were carried out with the support of the governments of Moldova and Romania.    

The station has a capacity of 700 metres/day. It was endowed with last generation equipment and all works were carried out according to the European standards. The project included also the building of the outside electric networks, the illumination of the water-purifying station and the arrangement of the adjacent area.    

Also, a portion of the sewerage networks was constructed, providing access to this service to another 500 residents of the Lozova commune, seven public institutions and, at the first stage, the school and kindergarten were connected, with another 10 economic due to be connected.  

The overall cost of the project is of more than 9.5 million lei, of which about 5.2 million lei represent financial resources provided by Romania’s government. The rest of the sum was allocated by the Moldovan government, through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development.  

The project was financed based on the Agreement between the Moldovan and Romanian governments on the implementation of the programme on technical and financial assistance, within which Moldova benefits from non-refundable financial assistance worth 100 million euros, provided by Romania.   




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