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Moldova Partnership Platform success story, foreign affairs ministers of Romania, Germany say

17:47 | 17.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 17 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova presently is a stronger, more resilient state, due to the consolidation of the Moldovan society, as well as of a generous effort of the country’s partners, for which we thank them from the bottom of our hearts. Deputy PM, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi made statements to this effect at the end of the fifth edition of the Moldova Partnership Platform, held in Chisinau today.     

The news conference was held jointly by Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu and the German diplomacy head, Annalena Baerbock.

Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popsoi thanked the partner states for the support provided. ‘’I am happy that I saw the friends of Moldova beside me. This nice event symbolizes our old saying: a friend in need is a friend indeed. A lot of delegations, which support our country, today came to Moldova, at the fifth edition of the Moldova Partnership Platform. I thank especially the co-presidents of Moldova Partnership Platform – Germany, Romania, France, as well as the friends who came to Moldova in this complicated moment for our country, in order to provide a solid support to our country,’’ Mihai Popsoi said.       

The official referred to the projects carried out with the support of the partner states. He emphasized that the measures carried out subsequently were meant to consolidate the democracy and the national economy.   

„We can, along with our friends, think and consolidate the democracy, the rule of law state and the economy of our country. Therefore, I want to thank once again for the generous support for our country and for the citizens of Moldova. This support is seen in all the villages and cities of our country through infrastructure and energy efficiency projects, projects which strengthen the resilience of our institutions, in the context of the hybrid threats. Moldova is presently a stronger and more resilient state,’’ Mihai Popsoi noted.   

Romania’s Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu appreciated the high level of organization of this diplomatic event. She appreciated the warm reception they had enjoyed in Moldova.    

„The support platform was created with the goal to support, both financially and sectorally, Moldova, seriously hit by the consequences of the war waged by Russia in Ukraine. We managed, in this format, through those four ministerial conferences and through the activity of the working groups, to mobilize important resources for backing Moldova. Thus, through the own solid effort and with the support of international partners, the Moldovan pro-European authorities managed to quickly implement a wide range of reforms. This is an effort which yielded exceptional results, if compared to the resources of Moldova and the difficulty of the situation which the country has faced since the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Moldova is presently in a better position against the moment of foundation of the support platform. The success recorded by Moldova’s pro-European authorities was recognized through the opening of the negotiations on accession to the European Union,’’ Luminita Odobescu said.      

The Romanian official stressed that the platform represented an instrument of medium- and long-term cooperation, capable to meet the current and future needs of support, identified by the Moldovan authorities. She assured that the Bucharest authorities would further be with Moldova and its citizens.   

„In the main, the Moldova Partnership Platform is set to provide support for the country’s European integration process, for its sustainable development and especially for the consolidation of its resilience, including through the further mobilization of technical assistance. We decided together to change the format as regards the working groups, which are to provide more targeted technical support for the quick advancement of the reform process and the negotiation on accession to the European Union. Romania will continue to be with Moldova bilaterally and at the European level as regards the negotiations for the accession to the European Union, as well as regarding the concrete aspects dealing with the economic development, consolidation of infrastructure and especially the energy security. We are deeply dedicated to the commitment taken at all levels in Bucharest, to support Moldova and its citizens,’’ Luminita Odobescu said.     

For her part, the German diplomacy head, Annalena Baerbock, said that the Moldova Partnership Platform was a success story. The official appreciated the Moldovan government’s actions in overcoming the crisis situations faced by the country. 

„We switch to strategy from the reactions to crises. Moldova is well-prepared, but there is still much to do. Therefore, presently we must go together towards the European Union. This platform shows that we are stronger.  This is proof that we can impede the crises through wise diplomacy and namely combat them before they become wide spread. We will not yield, we will always be with Moldova and Ukraine,’’ Annalena Baerbock said.    

The fifth edition of the Ministerial Conference of the Moldova Partnership Platform is held Chisinau today. Attending the event are 65 delegations, led by ministers, deputy ministers and state secretaries of the partner countries, of the diplomatic corps and international organizations.

Nine financing agreements were signed at the meeting, which will support investments in infrastructure and the transition to the green and sustainable economy for the benefit of the citizens. The agreements comprise 80 million lei as grant and 305.1 million euros as loans on easy terms.

The first edition of the Moldova Support Platform took place in Berlin on 5 April 2022. The second one was held in Bucharest on 15 July 2022. The third edition of the Conference took place in Paris on 21 November 2022 and the next edition was held in Chisinau on 17 October 2023.

Last year, after the platform’s meeting, Moldova benefited from financial support worth 148.7million euros, which included 38.7 million euros as grants and 110 million euros – loans on easy terms for the development of the strategic sectors.  







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