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Moldovan PM meets representatives of top European banks

19:04 | 17.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 17 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today had meetings with representatives of the leadership of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB), who are in Chisinau on the occasion of the holding of the fifth edition of the Moldova Partnership Platform, the government’s communication department has reported.   

The dialogue with EIB Deputy President Teresa Czerwinska and EBRD Director General for Moldova and Ukraine Arvid Tuerkner referred to the projects implemented in Moldova with the support of the two financial institutions and the reforms backed by them. PM Dorin Recean thanked the institutional investors in Moldova for the continuous support of the authorities’ efforts to enhance the quality of the living standards in Moldova and to advance on the European way of the country.      

Punctually, the sides discussed the current needs to increase the support on certain segments, especially for the agriculture with high value added. ‘’The financial and expertise support is precious and it will help us enhance the resilience of the sector, in order to cope with the climate changes’’ the prime minister said.    

EBRD and EIB are the biggest institutional investors in Moldova, which provide assistance for projects in the financial and banking sector, roads and railway infrastructure, energy, agriculture, waste management, entrepreneurship and health.   

The government of Moldova and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed an agreement, through which the  Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership Fund (E5P Fund) provides a grant worth over 4.3 million euros for the modernization of the waste management infrastructure.  

At the same time, Moldova and the European Investment Bank (EIB) signed an agreement on non-refundable assistance, under which Moldova will be provided a grant worth 12 million euros of the European Union within the project on rehabilitation of a segment of 128 kg of railway on the Valcinet-Ungheni-Chisinau-Cainari. 

During the work of EBRD in Moldova, agreements have been signed for the financing of about 177 projects worth over 2.4 billion euros. At the same time, the portfolio accumulated of EIB’s assistance represents 33 projects worth about 1.3 billion euros.    





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