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Moldovan, French, Romanian officials approach current situation

11:16 | 18.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 18 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- France's Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Stéphane Séjourné and Romania's Foreign Minister Luminița Odobescu reconfirmed their full support for the European path of our country and the implementation of reforms necessary for the modernization of Moldova during talks with Prime Minister Dorin Recean, the government's communication department has reported.

Recean approached the current regional situation, the objectives of the bilateral agenda, as well as opportunities for cooperation in the energy, infrastructure, medicine and defense. The parties also referred to the need to harness the potential of cooperation in the investment and joint projects that develop our country and improve the quality of life of citizens.

The Prime Minister also congratulated Stéphane Séjourné on nomination as EU Commissioner for Internal Market.

At the meeting with Odobescu, Recean appreciated the Romanian side's support in the European integration and carrying out several projects that bring concrete and sustainable benefits. In this context, the officials referred to the importance of speeding up the energy and road interconnection projects between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, cooperation in the transportation, renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors.

At the same time, the sides referred to the technical support offered to our country in the negotiation process, investments in infrastructure and further implementation of projects under the agreement on financial assistance amounting to 100 million euros.




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