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Moldova's tourist bid, country's most attractive destinations unveiled at specialized exhibition in Paris

15:21 | 18.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 18 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova participates, for the first time ever, in a country stand at the prestigious international exhibition dedicated to the professionals in the tourism sector - International & French Travel Market 2024 (IFTM), staged in Paris on 17-19 September.  

Visitors can discover Moldova’s tourist bid and the most attractive destinations of the country and specialists in the field can identify potential French, as well as international partners.    

During discussions with representatives of the tourism sector of Moldova, Moldovan Ambassador to France Corina Calugaru referred to ‘’the national efforts made for the development of the field and to the need to turn to good account and promote Moldova as tourist destination, including through the constant presence at IFTM.’’   

At the event, Moldova is represented by the National Tourism Office, National Association for Inbound and Domestic Tourism, Association for Medical Tourism, Chisinau city hall, as well as by several travel agencies.

Annually, IFTM brings together 30,000 visitors and, according to experts, a major platform for the promotion of national tourist bids and for identifying partnerships of cooperation, which are to contribute to the stimulation of tourists’ flows.




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