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Moldovan agriculture minister urges providers of inputs, farmers to discuss to identify solutions of overcoming present crisis

18:51 | 18.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 18 September /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea today had a meeting with the providers of and distributors of agricultural inputs, in order to discuss the impact of the severe drought from 2024 and the need of the special law for backing the farmers hit.  

During the discussions, Vladimir Bolea stressed the importance of the open dialogue between providers and farmers. He urged both sides to sit down at the table of discussions and identify, together, solutions to overcome the present crisis.  

The deputy PM said that the law proposed was meant for backing the farmers who have crops hit at the level of at least 60 per cent and the overall area affected is of at least 50 per cent. In the context, Vladimir Bolea insisted that the providers actively cooperate with the farmers, proposing them sustainable solutions.    

According to the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry (MAIA), the providers showed concern about the fact that, it the respite for the renegotiation of contracts with the creditors was extended and the payments were postponed by up to 12 months, they might enter an incapacity to buy inputs and seeds from foreign providers, in order to supply farmers with seeds and inputs, which might create a deficit on market and would hit the farmers’ work.      

Vladimir Bolea emphasized that the sides’ interests were common and the solutions must be found together, taking into account the importance of the providers of inputs in the production chain. He encouraged them to provide more consultancy to the farmers till the setting up of agricultural chambers. The minister stressed that, once the Mutual Fund implemented, certain problems dealing with the insuring of farmlands might be solved efficiently.     

Last week, the parliament approved the draft of the special law meant for supporting the farmers hit by the severe drought of the last summer. Under this law, the farmers will benefit from the prolongation or renegotiation of the obligations of payment for the debts accumulated, including the capital ratios, interests and penalties. These changes will be made under additional agreements to the present contracts.    



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