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Moldovan official journal roundup for today

11:29 | 19.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Sep 19 /MOLDPRES/- The decision on awarding the status of tax monopoly to Energocom and Moldelectrica until December 31, 2025 was published in the Official Journal today.

The document reads "the status of fiscal monopoly is assigned to the enterprises Energocom and Moldelectrica in order to ensure energy security of the Republic of Moldova, to prevent instability on the electricity market, characterized by the lack of competitive offers on the purchase of electricity at an affordable price, including after the resumption of electricity purchases under the procedure for the procurement of electricity under the electricity market rules, based on the organization of tenders".

The authorities had previously announced that the granting of the status of a fiscal monopoly would be a temporary measure until the resumption of electricity purchases under the standard tender-based procedure.

According to the legislation, the establishment of a fiscal monopoly implies the creation of a mechanism whereby certain enterprises in the Republic of Moldova are granted the exclusive right to carry out a specific economic activity linked to the production or supply of certain goods or services. The monopoly status is granted only to a legal entity with full or majority state capital.


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