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COVID section of Chisinau-based Municipal Hospital of Phthisiopneumology ends work

15:40 | 23.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 23 September /MOLDPRES/ - The COVID section of the Municipal Hospital of Phthisiopneumology from Chisinau ends work starting from today. The head of the medical and social assistance department, Vladimir Bolocan, has made statements to this effect at a meeting of the city hall’s services.   

„We have managed to stabilize the situation and to take measures to cut the number of COVID cases,’’ Bolocan said.  

Also today, the Moldovan capital’s leadership informed that a new medical service, Telemedicine, would be soon launched in Chisinau.

The participants in the meeting said that, last week, 6,614 people had asked for social assistance through territorial social assistance departments. A number of 115 people benefited from services at social centres subordinated: Restart, Revival and Adir. As many as 2,858 people received social services at home.   



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