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Commissions for emergency situations assess damages of torrential rains. Damage amounts to 40 million lei in Moldovan capital

16:23 | 24.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 September /MOLDPRES/ - The territorial commissions for emergency situations assess the damages caused by the torrential rains which hit Moldova on 14-15 September. The damages were estimated at 40 million lei in the Chisinau city.   

The Chisinau general mayor, Ion Ceban, gave assurances that, at this point, all consequences, with small exceptions, had been removed. ‘’There are several road segments which need to be repaired. The damages triggered by the precipitation amount to 40 million lei,’’ Ceban noted.        

Ion Ceban stressed that, in the city, the storm drain was not adapted to the torrential rains. ‘’When we have a water between 50 and 70 litres per one square metre, no city is prepared for such situations. Chisinau also copes with these situations with difficulty,’’ Ion Ceban said.    

The heavy precipitation of mid-September flooded dozens of streets and underground passages from the Moldovan capital. The high flood also hit more road segments. At the same time, more trees and branches were grounded. The rains affected tens of schools, kindergartens and medical institutions from the municipality.  

Also, the heavy precipitation flooded basements of more apartment blocks. Also, the small rivers from the capital overflew their banks.




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