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Moldovan PM visits farm from Rascani district

23:03 | 24.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 24 September /MOLDPRES/ - The present situation in the agricultural sector today was discussed by Prime Minister Dorin Recean with a farmer from the Saptebani village, northern Rascani district, Alexandru Irimciuc, the government’s communication department has reported.  

The farmer has worked in the sector for 27 years and the business Stancauti Ltd manages almost 2,500 hectares of farmland. Alexandru Irimciuc informed about the harvest of sugar beet, maize, affected by the drought and heat from the last summer.    

In the context, the PM stressed the importance of the cultivation of agricultural products with high value added, as well as of investments in modern technologies and sustainable solutions, so that the risks should be reduced for farmers. ‘’The government is and will be with the farmers. We support the initiatives and want our products to become more and more competitive on the domestic and foreign markets,’’ the prime minister said.      

To modernize and optimize the business, Alexandru Irimciuc has recently set photovoltaic systems worth about 1.3 million lei. The farmer continuously renews the technology of the enterprise, is set to extend the area cultivated and to provide the people of the settlement with decent and safe jobs.    

At the visit to the enterprise, the prime minister met those 60 employees. The discussions were focused both on the measures undertaken by the government to back the entrepreneurial activity and the development of the agricultural sector, as well as the creation of better conditions for the people from all over Moldova.   





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