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Prime Minister visits Lactis dairy factory in Riscani

10:49 | 25.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Sep 25 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean visited on 24 September Lactis factory in Riscani, an enterprise with a 65-year history in the dairy industry. The factory produces a wide range of cheese and other dairy products and employs about 240 people, the government's communication department has reported.

The official discussed with the company's employees the current activity of the enterprise, challenges and opportunities in the sector, measures that would support the development of the dairy industry in Moldova and improvement of working conditions.

"Government is committed to supporting entrepreneurs who not only promote tradition and quality of products, but also contribute significantly to the economic development of communities. Investment in innovation and modernization of production processes is essential to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise," he said.

Company director Gheorghe Angheluță presented the factory's sections and manufacturing processes, emphasizing the company's commitment to offer high quality products. To this end, significant investments are being made in technological equipment and product range diversification. The factory has about 90 milk collection points in 86 villages in seven districts of the Republic of Moldova, which are equipped with refrigeration equipment and laboratories for checking the quality of raw materials.

Lactis currently produces 17 types of cheese. 







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