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Moldova, India to step up economic cooperation

11:28 | 25.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Sep 25 /MOLDPRES/- Increasing trade and boosting economic relations between Moldova and India were discussed by Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popșoi and his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar at a meeting in New York.

The agenda of the talks included actions to deepen bilateral relations between Moldova and India and identify opportunities for cooperation in various fields.

The two ministers discussed, in particular, increasing trade and boosting economic relations between the two countries. The officials also discussed ways to foster partnerships in the education and tourism to bring direct benefits to citizens.

In this context, Popșoi said "an essential step in strengthening relations between the two countries was the opening of the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in New Delhi in the fall of 2023".

For his part, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar emphasized India's interest in developing relations with the Republic of Moldova, both diplomatically and economically, noting that "close cooperation can bring significant benefits for both countries".

At the end of the meeting, the Moldovan official thanked Subrahmanyan Jaishankar for the invitation to visit India, where the two officials will have the opportunity to continue this dialog.

Popșoi is participating in the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly and other related events on September 23-27.



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