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Water resource management to be improved to reduce risk of flooding

11:53 | 25.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Sep 25 /MOLDPRES/- Water resources will be managed more efficiently and their exploitation will be strictly monitored in order to reduce the risks of floods and water pollution. The government has approved the amendment of the regulation on the procedure for drafting and revising the River Basin Management Plan, the government's communication department has reported.

Thus, in order to prevent and minimize the risk of floods, it is introduced the obligation to carry out technical expertise of hydro-technical constructions built before 1991, as well as the obligation of dam managers to submit quarterly the Register of Observation of the water level in reservoirs, ponds.

It also lays down the manner of transfer of use for the siting of water intakes, pumping stations and mobile pumping installations; registration of operating regulations and technical data sheets with the administrative water management authority and data input into the automated information system State Water Cadastre.

At today's meeting, the cabinet also approved the Methodology on pressure analysis and risk assessment of human activity for river basin districts. It will also specify how to determine which water bodies are at risk of not meeting environmental objectives. The results of the assessment will be mapped by assigning each water body a color according to the type of risk.

In this context, Prime Minister Dorin Recean noted that the actions were long overdue and will help the authorities to better manage crisis situations caused by natural disasters.


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