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Government approved mutual recognition agreement for driving licenses issued in Moldova and France

12:02 | 25.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Sep 25 /MOLDPRES/- Driving licenses issued from 2020 onwards in Moldova and France will be mutually recognized. Government has approved the agreement between the Moldovan and French governments on the mutual exchange of driving licenses, signed in Paris on July 12, 2024, the government's communication department has reported.

Thus, the government expands the list of countries that accept the recognition of driving licenses on reciprocity principles, to facilitate international road travel, allowing drivers to drive legally in the two countries without the need to take the additional theoretical or practical test.

The Republic of Moldova has also signed treaties on mutual recognition of driving licenses with Turkey, Italy, Spain, Greece, Albania, Lithuania, as well as a joint declaration of intent with Germany on transcription of driving licenses.



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