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Moldova to benefit from grant on behalf of Sweden to improve management of solid waste

16:41 | 25.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s Environment Ministry and Sweden’s Development Finance Institution (Swedfund) today signed an Agreement on Grant worth about 530,000 euros for the improvement of the solid waste’s management in Moldova. The partnership will support services of consultancy for the carrying out of feasibility studies, focusing on the planning of the waste management in the Waste Management Regions 2 and 3, which include the districts of Leova, Cimislia, Basarabeasca, Causeni and Stefan-Voda.     

„The signing of this agreement is an important step towards the modernization of the waste management system in Moldova. We managed to identify the needed financial resources for the finishing of the feasibility studies in all Waste Management Regions of the country, which will allow us advancing to the next stage of the Solid Waste in Moldova Project,’’ Environment Minister Sergiu Lazarencu said.    

According to the official, this will include the accurate defining of the locations for transfer stations, as well as for the recycling and ecological management centres, as well as the assessment of the costs of the infrastructure needed. ‘’The project will contribute to the simplification of the waste management processes, to the improvement of the infrastructure necessary and to the enhancement of the degree of awareness among the residents about the importance of the proper recycling and management of the waste,’’ Lazarencu also said.    

The Solid Waste in Moldova Project will be implemented till 2027.  



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