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National Library hosts exhibition on Moldova's cultural heritage

20:26 | 25.09.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 25 September /MOLDPRES/ - An exhibition titled, Cultural Heritage of Moldova – integral part of the European cultural heritage, organized within the European Heritage Days, has been inaugurated at the National Library of Moldova.   

Visitors can admire over 300 publications dedicated to the cultural heritage, pieces of the National Ethnography and Natural History Museum and an impressive collection of kerchiefs, titled, The Kerchief, gathered by Maria Romanciuc.

According to the organizers, the exhibition has the goal to turn to good account the national tangible and intangible cultural heritage, with elements of the people’s authenticity – embroidered peasant shirt, national costume, Moldovan carpet, traditional trades, popular music and art, the picturesque places, as well as through the ensemble of practices and skills inherited during centuries.      

The exhibition will be opened for visitors till 30 December 2024. 2024.






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