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Moldovan parliament speaker says country should turn to account national cultural heritage

15:26 | 26.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 26 September /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu, has participated, along with the community of culture people, in a forum dedicated to the protection of the cultural heritage. The event, organized on the occasion of the European Heritage Days, tackles the national policies and initiatives for the protection of the cultural heritage, the role of the institutions and the activities carried out in this sector, the present state and the perspectives of rehabilitation of the historical cities from Moldova, the parliament’s communication and public relations department reported.     

In his message, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu referred to the importance of safeguarding the cultural heritage and urged the academic community, local public authorities and the entire society to continue getting involved in the turning to good account of the national cultural heritage and to contribute to the attraction of visitors and tourists to the settlements of Moldova. ‘’We were witnesses of good examples, as well as sadder ones, which hit our heritage; therefore, it is necessary that the legislation has instruments of coercion. I see how the attitude changes and the local administration understands how important is to preserve and present the heritage as point of attraction,’’ Igor Grosu said.     

The parliament speaker also touched upon some legislative initiatives in this field, approved by the parliament. It is about the amendment of the Law of the public forum monuments, which implies the simplification of the procedure of foundation and construction of public forum monuments locally; approval of the Register of archaeological sites, their delimitation and protection; approval of the draft law on the implementation of the Cultural Voucher national programme. ‘’The Cultural Voucher is a very good initiative by a group of MPs, through which we try to bring young people to museums, theatres, to concert halls. There is possibility for us to extend the programme also for other categories of people – for seniors.’’ Igor Grosu also said.    

For his part, Culture Minister Sergiu Prodan said that efforts were made for the protection of the national cultural heritage and at present, the Culture Ministry prepared a new law to this end. ‘’The heritage belongs to all of us; the responsibility for safeguarding the heritage belongs to all of us and our task is to convey it to the next generation just as we bequeathed it from our ancestors. I urge you to think not only about the preservation, turning to account and restoration, but also to the fact what we bequeath to the next generation,’’ Sergiu Prodan noted.     

The European Heritage Days were launched in 1985 and represents a joint initiative of the European Commission and of the Council of Europe.







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