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Moldovan PM invites American companies to extend in Moldova

19:42 | 27.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 27 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today met more business people from the United States, members of the American-Central European Business Association (ACEBA). The PM is in New York to participate in the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the government’s communication has reported.

Representatives of big American companies participated in the meeting: Romotana, Citi, RABC, SIG Sauer, McKinsey, RACC, AC Language School.

The PM informed the business people about the opportunity to make investments in Moldova, as the country’s authorities are open and provide every needed support for the development of the business. ‘’The sectors which provide multiple possibilities and which record continuous growth are the information technologies, electronics, finances and wines’ industry,’’ Dorin Recean stressed.  

In discussions, the prime minister referred also to opportunities in the energy sector, noting that Moldova was member of the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E). He also emphasized that the banking market from Moldova became ever safer and more attractive.  

Another segment of interest is the one of education, culture and projects for young people, with the AC language School already holding discussions with the competent ministry. In the context, the PM highlighted the improvement of the quality of education at the universities from Moldova, noting that the 2024 year was the first in the last 20 years when a 15-per cent increase in the number of students admitted was registered.   

„We firmly go the way of the European integration and we adjust the legislation, for the foreign investment to be protected as good as in the EU member countries,’’ the prime minister said.   

For their part, the U.S. companies’ representatives, all already active on the European market, said they were looking for new sales markets and would closely analyze Moldova as a state where they might extend.   






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